Lehigh Valley Vintage Rentals

Elmwood Park Zoo-Styled Shoot

Elmwood Park Zoo-Styled Shoot

      Quirky styled shoot at Elmwood Park in Norristown, PA. 

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Burnside Plantation-Mod meets barn

On July 28th we did two styled shoots in one day (never again folks, never again). Luckily for us, both shoots turned out fantastic! We're featuring the one that took place at the Burnside Plantation in Bethlehem, PA below. 

Once again, as seems to be our lot, we were peppered with rain throughout the day. We also had a major wardrobe mishap as the dresses we had ordered literally got lost in the mail. Then our "Bride" for the day had a family emergency, but we had a stellar team to work with and we weren't ready to throw in the towel yet. So, we chose to press on and I'm sure you'll agree, we made the right call. 

 Burnside Plantation provides several wonderful backdrops for photos. It's full of rustic, historic, and natural beauty. Burlap, lace and wildflowers work beautifully in this space, but Sarah Kudlak from Juniper and Dash envisioned a unique, bold, mod take on the traditional barn wedding. It's a refreshing look and proves that this venue can work with any style. Sarah K. created a palate of tomato red, bright peach and cobalt blue. She rigged up this super simple, sweet ceremony backdrop in the orchard.

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Alexandra Gergar of Alexandra Whitney Photography was our fearless leader. She's a very thorough photographer with an eye for angles and details and she captured some gorgeous shots. 

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Jill Kozar, owner of Jill Kozar's Up-Your-Do not only did hair for the models, but she stood in as our Bride as well! We played up her purple hair with a blue sash. Her jewelry was provided by Nicole Bridal . The dashing man by her side is her husband, Joe. 

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The bridesmaid, Rebekah Defreest, wore a simple, blue dress. We were going for a 1960's style, but with a modern, eclectic flair.

Kelly Quinlan of Face the Occasion provided make-up for the ladies. Kelly added just the right amount of eyeliner and a retro pout to create a subtlely vintage face. 


Sarah Petryk from Allium Design wowed us as always with her incredible florals. Zinnias, dahlias, and even dill, burst forth in vibrant shades. 


We featured several of our favorite pieces from the 60's. Our card catalog, stuffed with flowers made a fantastic escort card table. Our Alice trunk made an appearance in the lounge set up in the corn crib (a popular location for cocktails). 

Amy from Cozze Cakes graciously provided a cake to sit atop our Jacobean Buffet. 

 Sarah Zero of Jackalope Heart, created beautiful table numbers, menus and stationary to coordinate with the theme. 

A big thank you to all the talented folks that gave their time and energy to this shoot. It was a fun one!

Up in the orchard we had the misfortune of stepping on a rabbits nest! Baby bunnies scattered everywhere and we all scrambled to get them back in the nest. I used to volunteer at a wildlife rehabilitation clinic and I proudly claim to be an animal nerd. So here's a little behind the scenes photo of our bunny adventure.

And here's a tip: if the bunny's eyes aren't open, it still needs its Momma. A bunny can be handled without being rejected by its Momma, so don't hesitate to pick it up and put it where it belongs. May bunnies never spring out at you on a photo shoot!

Into The Woods

Another cold day in early Spring, when the snow still clung to the ground but the sun was shining, we staged a small party in the woods. Megan and Brent modeled for us once again. Hillary provided make-up and Alison Conklin photographed it all. 

Abby and I chose to style with pale pink, gold accents and vintage lace. Abby moonlights as a florist and did the flowers for the shoot. The snow actually provided a fantastic carpet for this Spring set-up.

This is Hillary, our beautiful make-up artist who kindly jumped in and modeled for us as well. She's lounging on our Library Bed. 

We staged a simple, elegant table setting with vintage china and silver. 

Megan and Brent share a chocolaty kiss. 

For the lounge we chose our Eleanor couch, a versatile piece with hints of pink and stripes in blue satin, and our fabulous Ava settee. Ava was found in Swarthmore, PA. She has gorgeous, red velvet upholstery and she's personally my favorite lady on our team.

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Once again, we had a fabulous day working with Alison Conklin and Hillary, Megan and Brent. Many thanks to all their hard work and participation in this shoot. 




Farmhouse Tables?...yeah, we've got those

Farmhouse tables....they symbolize family and solidarity. They provide a sturdy, handsome foundation for fabulous meals and they go with just about any style. We are in the process of building our own fleet of handcrafted tables. My tireless Husband is sawing as we speak. Our tables will be 3 feet wide and 8 feet long. Wide enough for all the tablescaping your heart desires, but shallow enough to encourage good conversation. We can comfortably fit 10 people around the table, or 8 if you desire to connect the tables and eat family style. Our tables will wear a dark, walnut stain.

We've also added a vintage Schwinn Collegiate Bike to our inventory. Check out our Pinterest for creative ideas for bikes. 

Til' next time,



Junkyard Romance

In March we styled a romantic shoot in the cleanest junkyard you'll ever see on film. We asked a couple we know, that have modeled in the past, to don some vintage duds and smile pretty. We dressed Megan in a classic, organdy prom dress from the 1950's. The day was below freezing, so we draped her in a vintage fur and tried to keep her warm whenever possible. Her teeth were chattering through much of the shoot, but she never complained and she looks amazing in the photos. 

 Once again, Alison Conklin was our incredible photographer. 


Megan has an ageless beauty and dramatic, green eyes. Her make-up was flawlessly applied by another talented young woman named Hillary. She provides on site make-up artistry and is a joy to work with. She has a background in production and works on sets as well. Feel free to reach out to us for contact info for any of these young talents. 

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Megan and Brent are a real couple and their love for each other can be seen in so many of these photos. We enjoyed capturing their real life romance. 

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After this scene we put Megan back in the car to warm up and drove down to our next site. We set up our Gregory Barrister Bookcase with a set of vintage encyclopedias and board games. 

Alison decided to pull out her black and white film camera and take a few shots. 

And here's our favorite shot from this junkyard romance. Thank you to Brent, Megan, Hillary, D and J's auto in Coopersburg, PA and of course Alison Conklin for a super fun, offbeat day. 

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