
Things to Include on Your Registry That You'll Actually Use


When wedding planning you can often get caught up in expectations of what you should, or shouldn’t do and include. This can be an expensive cycle to get caught up in, and when it comes time for your registry it can mean you end up with a bunch of stuff that will only take up space while sitting untouched for years to come.

A good system is look at what you use everyday and find things you want to replace, things that would be helpful and essentials you might need for the future. With the rise of registry options and aggregate sites there’s more flexibility and choice as to what you can include, and also how much guests are willing to contribute towards.

Splurge Where It Counts

Don’t feel the need to add every little thing you think you want, take a look and see if instead you can upgrade something you truly need to a nicer model. Instead of having that set of crystal martini glasses you will never use, upgrade your vacuum from a mid-range to a quality model that will have more functions and probably last longer. Bakeware is a popular registry choice, but if you only use your oven for storage, pass over that section of tons of gadgets and upgrade from the 400 thread count to 1,000 count sheets you’ll actually enjoy.

Think Ahead - But not too far

If you know you’re about to move into a new home take into consideration what you’ll need to get settled in. Many couples make the move from apartments to homes soon after tying the knot, which means more space to enjoy, but also more rooms to furnish.

Don’t be afraid to add furniture, decor or anything you’ll need for the house and want to build your home around. Guests are happy to help you build your new life together and they’ll love seeing their contributions in your new home, not to mention be grateful for the comfy new mattress they helped purchase when they stay over in the guest room.

The one caveat to this is to not get ahead of yourself and register for things you won’t have space for or use within a few months. No one needs an entire patio set taking up space in their storage unit or family basement while you’re still house hunting with no guarantee you’ll actually have a patio.

Get Ambitious

Have you always wanted to do something as a couple? Looking to find a hobby you can enjoy together after the stress of the wedding is done? Add a fund to the registry for them!

If you’re outdoorsy and wanted to try kayaking, add some camping gear or a fund for a weekend  away spent on a river. Maybe laying in the sand isn’t your style and you want to get scuba certified on the honeymoon, it’s all possible to add to your registry; add a link to your resort’s site where your guests can check out what they’re contributing to. Wanting to learn about wine and host dinner parties, why not add a wine club membership - just think of what works for you and add it! Variety of choice and price point is good for any registry.


Again, the point is not to fill your garage with extra stuff you think you might use one day, it’s to include things you have a plan for and a schedule that can accommodate them.

Valuable Extras

Sometimes you do actually need homewares, but dealing with wedding planning stress and packed schedules means you can’t find a moment to really sit down and envision what you want. Before you head out with your scanning gun, remember to select items that are versatile. Extra linens and towels that fit both your bedroom and the guest room, throw blankets that are cozy enough for the couch but warm enough for overnight visitors are all great choices. Also, plain white serving pieces can function as chic dinner party display additions and hold your basic Wednesday night take out.

Make your registry work for your future life together, be yourselves and have fun building your home without adding clutter!